Syphilis :The disease is transmitted by sexual contact, which can severely damage the unborn child. Sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria is called Trap-Nima pyladym. Early sign of a user without pain, open mouth chalh is usually near or inside the vagina, penis, Priya appears.
‫سوزاک کیا ہے۔ (جنسی بیماریاں)

یہ انفکشن مَردوں اور عورتوں کو ایک بیکٹیریا کے ذریعے ہوتا ہے۔ یہ انفکشن پیشاب کی نالی، مقعد، آنکھوں یا گلے کو متاثر کرسکتا ہے۔ عورتوں میں سوزاک بچّہ دانی کے مُنہ، بچّہ دانی یا نَلوں کو متاثر کر سکتا ہے۔

یہ انفکشن کس طرح لگتا ہے؟

ایک متاثر ہ فرد کی منی، فُر ج یا بچّہ دانی کے مُنہ کی رطوبت کے ذریعے منتقل ہوتے ہیں۔

اِس انفکشن کے ہونے کا کس طرح معلوم ہوتا ہے؟

مَردوں میں:

عضو تناسل سے زرد رنگ کی رطوبت خارج ہو سکتی ہے، پیشاب میں جلن یا حِسّاسیت ہو سکتی ہے، بار بار پیشاب آسکتا ہے، یا خُصّیوں میں سُوجن ہو سکتی ہے۔

عورتوں میں:
ُٖفُرج سے زرد رنگ یا خون کا اخراج ہو سکتاہے، اور پیشاب کرتے وقت درد یا جلن محسوس ہو سکتی ہے۔

اِس انفکشن کا ٹیسٹ کس طرح ہوتا ہے؟

عضو تناسل ، بچّہ دانی کے مُنہ یا گلے سے بتّی کے ذریعے نمونہ حاصل کرکے ٹیسٹ کیا جائے۔‬

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What is the sexually transmitted disease?

Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmissible infections, transmitted by sexual contact of any kind are. Myndunun its forms, we have sex with men and sex, including sexual relations with the opposite sex., In this case It is not necessary that the penis be inserted, but exchanging secretions is sufficient for sexual diseases or sexual anfksnzky.

How to sexually transmitted diseases are spread?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Enzymes an individual (such as sperm, vaginal fluids, blood, etc.) to move to the other person can spread easily through.
The sexually transmitted disease to sexual intercourse with a person in the event that it is very likely that the infection will move to the other person. Therefore, with his wife or the husband or long term partner I like having sex, sexual transmitted infection yajnsy disease is less likely. Contrary to this, in the case of having many sexual partners is likely to grow. however, not necessarily just a couple of the sex risk secure, that maybe a fellow ghost of infection are the result of a sexual relationship.

Transmitted infection via vaginal sex is a known way. Although other tryqunmyn include:

  • Anal sex (male, men or between a man and a woman).
  • Oral sex activity.
  • The sexual abuse of children.
  • Infant infection from mother to child transmission during childbirth.
A major cause of ill health in our population sexually transmitted infections are occurring. These infections are some of the risks posed such taps pregnancy infertility in both men and women hunaaur be established.

Sexually transmitted diseases, some of the main symptoms are:

  • Fluid discharge from the vagina.
  • Fluid discharge from the urethra.
  • I have blisters ...
  • Swelling of testicles bag.
  • Swelling of the glands ...

Following for sexual diseases, provision of large lybarytryun the test are available.

A few common sexually transmitted diseases
A few common sexually transmitted diseases are as follows. Further information, please click on the relevant name.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Gonorrhea.
  • To HPV or genital organ abscesses.
  • Each MPS sexual organs.
  • HIV / AIDS.
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Syphilis.

How to sexually transmitted diseases can be avoided?

  • If safe sex, use condoms, please, please Hayes on drugs, and sexual intercourse with someone infected or not., It is more important than your life.
  • Published grease in water solutions such as Y jelly (KY Jelly) or liquid (Liquid) Use. Resolved in the oil turns weak dygrcknayyan condoms or condom may burst.
  • Definitely wear a condom correctly and that condoms should cover the complete penis. Condom if it were not so will not get proper protection.
  • Annually (or as directed by a doctor) Pap smear (Pap smear) and sexually transmissible infections (STIs) Test your doctor or family planning clinic contact.
If you have any questions, please email to a panel of experts, get an answer in 24 hours.
Sexually transmitted infections in the critical points
  • Your sexual partner before having sex inspection and sure to be free from infection.
  • A full treatment of sexually transmitted infections through sexual intercourse should be avoided.
  • You should always use condoms for sexual intercourse.
The sexually transmitted infections if you are worried about then send e-mail to our panel of experts and get an answer within 24 hours.
If the answer to your question on this page and you get help for yourself or your friends want to get an answer in 24 hours, write to the following address: or
What is this?
It is a bacterial infection occurs through men and women. These infections urinary tract, anus or throat may occur. Mouth of the uterus in women, the uterus or the infection may have taps.
How is this infection?
If an infected person's semen, fur c or cervical fluid can pass through.
How the infection appears to be?
Heavy pin and testicular discomfort, pain or burning during urination, or they come from the penis.
In women:
Itching, vaginal discharge, or urine to be jealous.
Most people do not show any symptoms.
How does this infection test?
Urine test or penis, mouth or neck of the uterus to receive light through the sample to be tested for Chlamydia.
The infection is treated?
Antibiotics Use.
What are the consequences of this infection?
If not treated her urinary tract, uterus or scar tissue in the taps can be created.
For this reason, pregnant women and pregnant women to men may present a problem.
Gonorrhea (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
What is this?
It is a bacterial infection occurs through men and women. These infections urinary tract, anus, eyes or throat can affect. Cervical gonorrhea in women, the uterus can affect or taps.
How is this infection?
If an infected person's semen, fur c or cervical fluid can pass through.
How the infection appears to be?
Yellow discharge from the penis may be, irritation or sensitization may be in the urine, frequent urination may, or may become swollen testicles.
In women:
Can be yellow or blood discharge from the vagina, and pain or burning when urinating can be found.
How does this infection test?
Penis, mouth or neck of the uterus and the light through the sample be tested.
The infection is treated?
Be treated with antibiotics.
What are the consequences of this infection?
If not treated her urinary tract, uterus or scar tissue in the taps can be created.
For this reason, pregnant women and pregnant women to men may present a problem.
To HPV or genital organ abscesses / phnsyan

What is this?
Human papilloma virus called HPV Question wire. One's private part, bag of testicles, urethra, rectum, cervical, vaginal, vagina, mouth abscesses / phnsyan can cause.
How is this infection?
The virus from the infected person's skin is transmitted through direct chujany.
How the infection appears to be?
These grains are oriented in a number of start small and have no pain or itching. They can see you or your doctor is aware of the physical examination. 
In women:
The virus normally gayyny test (Pap smear) is known throughout. Most people never know they are infected with HPV.
How does this infection test?
Your doctor is aware of the physical examination, but may be recommended for certification test.
The infection is treated?
This infection has no cure, but there are some ways to eliminate grains., And if not treated, it can automatically finish but the virus remains in the body and abscesses / phnsyan can be re-created.
What are the consequences of this infection?
In most cases cause long-term harm. Certain cases of HPV infection because the mouth of the uterus or vagina, vagina, anus or penis can cause cancer, HPV infection despite being a doctor advice to undergo regular medical care can help prevent cancer by, women should undergo regular Pap smear at the mouth of the uterus through which the changes can be prevented from being converted into kusrtan.
Sexual organs hrpyz
What is this?
This is a recurring skin disease that is caused by a virus, the mouth, vagina, mouth, penis, testicles bag, anus, buttocks and thighs may be blisters on.
How is this infection?
This disease is caused by the victim touch as soon as possible.
How the infection appears to be?
Its symptoms are very mild or no. Blisters in some cases, phnsyan, erosion, which may arise yasrky rise itching, irritation or moisture can emit. Symptoms may automatically delete the virus body There remains. disease in some people and some it only happens once a lifetime disease frequently happens. both men and women can have the disease.
How does this infection test?
Doctor during physical examination of the disease can know the light through the sample can be proposed verification testing. These tests may be available at major lybarytryun such as the Aga Khan University Hospital.
The infection is treated?
Each MPS no cure available. Early recovery and to reduce the number of attacks of the disease medications have to be taken. Blisters after the doctor should tell you about them.
What are the consequences of this infection? 
Men and women in most cases the disease does not diminish the long term but due to the disease increases the risk of other sexually and skin problems.

What is this?
The HIV virus weakens the immune system of the human body. H. aayy AIDS is caused by HIV, which causes difficulty for the body to fight infections and diseases that are found.
How is this infection?
HIV disease an infected person's blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk is transferred through.
How the infection appears to be? 
Usually no symptoms of HIV infection are not, so initially the victims do not know exactly, but over time it would begin to show symptoms such as fever, cold look, so sweats, constant fatigue, hunger or weight loss, muscle and joint pain, long-stay bad throat, swollen glands, diarrhea, yeast infections or have blisters on the skin.
How does this infection test?
Of HIV infection can be detected only by the tests. Doctor do a blood or urine test through. Tests to be valid for the disease is suspected the test must be three mother.
The infection is treated?
HIV / AIDS, no cure is available, but many people are affected by drugs which are available can live long healthy lives.
What are the consequences of this infection?
HIV / AIDS can be a deadly maz, it weakens the body's immune system. Most of the people infected with HIV-AIDS, which means that the disease is serious and potentially fatal Diseases can be.

Hepatitis B
What is this?
It is a liver infection that can become permanent. Attacking the liver is caused by the virus to enter the body.
How is this infection?
Relationship with the virus through infected person can become sick. Having sex with such victims, infected mother to infant during childbirth or shared needles with infected person infection can occur through use.
How the infection appears to be?
Damage to the liver and can swell. Much for most people the virus goes away in a few months. Become permanent for some people it takes a lifetime. Could shrink because of her liver, liver can not leave their job or liver cancer can be.
How does this infection test?
The level of antibodies and disease blood tests are available for testing. Doctor can prescribe a blood or urine test. Accurate test, for fear of infection must be tested after three months.
The infection is treated?
Acute Hepatitis B by itself is fine. Recovery after most people are born immune to the virus and the virus does not pass through them, while others tayyts persistent hepatitis B who It is lugunkumntql provinces. permanent type tayyts hepatitis B treatment interferon, lamivudine and adefovir may be identical drugs, so we do not benefit from these drugs.
What are the consequences of this infection?

The disease is transmitted by sexual contact, which can severely damage the unborn child.
Sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteria is called Trap-Nima pyladym. Early sign of a user without pain, open mouth chalh is usually near or inside the vagina, penis, Priya appears.

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